We got to Cash's post op room just as he was waking up from anesthesia. He woke up a little grumpy (the good kind) but nothing too terrible. I was surprised at how well I held it together (I only let a few tears run down my cheek), but it was amazing to see him.
He hated his arm splints and fought them a lot at first. After he got used to them he was super good.
Cash liked to be held. Originally I told Stewart to go back and get a good night's sleep and come trade me in the morning. I was glad he stayed all night. We traded off every hour and a half or so, sitting in this horribly uncomfortable (seriously- who makes such uncomfortable furniture, then sells it to a hospital!?!) rocking chair, and sleeping on the (compared to the rocking chair) heavenly couch. At about 2:30 Stew let me sleep until about 6 am. That was a nice chunk of sleep.
Doesn't he look completely different?!
He hated the IV in his foot, and wasn't too fond of all the wires hooked up to him. All his cords also made it hard to move with him much. It was like doing a finely coordinated dance to stand up, side step to the crib, and also to get back situated in the chair with him.
Cash finally did sleep a little in the crib, but he didn't like it very much.
The next day we got a visit from a few of my most favorite people in the world (who-even though it had only been two days, I was missing terribly).
Thanks to Grandma Jensen and Aunt JoAnna for bringing the kids up to see us! It was EXACTLY what this momma needed!
Brogan- although he was silly he was pretty good.
They each wanted their picture taken by this height chart :)
Stewart did take Addison and Brogan to the play room while Mom and JoAnna were with me waiting to be discharged.
They finally let us go, and back to the Ronald McDonald house we went. Stewart took JoAnna and Cash in the car, but Addison, Brogan, Grandma and I decided to walk back and get some fresh air (after all I hadn't been outside for a good 24 hours!)
On the way the kids found these little pokey things. They each found one and wanted to "keep it forever". I decided a picture would be even better ;)
Stewart and Cash went back to the room and took a nap, but the kids and I (and Grandma) went to the playroom for awhile. The kids had a blast (and I was just so happy to see them!) We also went outside and played on the playground stuff they have there. We played tag, cars, house, and hide from Grandma behind the rock pile. It was seriously such a good thing they came. They all saved my sanity more than they realized :)
Grandma and the kids had to go home again that night, but we ate dinner together first (the kids ate at this little table, but then got pretty wild).
Cash loves his Aunt JoAnna!
This is our best effort at a family picture :)
Addison wanted to hold Cash before she left. She sure is a great big sister!
They brought Cash a little turtle that lights up and sings a very nice version of "Twinkle Twinkle little Star". That really did help Cash relax in his crib at night (and it still does). He slept through the night that night, and has been back to sleeping all night- in his crib ever since. :) (I'm the most grateful for babies who sleep through the night!!!) LOVE YOU CASH! You really rocked this thing!